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SAEF Podcast

What We Do

The SAEF is the representative body for equestrian sport in South Africa, we are registered with SASCOC and are the South African representatives at the FEI. We ensure adherence of the Sports Act, the rules and regulations of SASCOC and Discipline Constitutions in South Africa by our members. The SAEF is also responsible for supporting members in obtaining Protea Colours and ensuring that our sport remains drug free.​

Latest Events

Featuring the latest events from the SAEF to keep you well informed.

Clean Sport

The FEI is part of a collaborative worldwide movement for doping-free sport led by the World Anti-Doping Agency (WADA). The aim of this movement is to protect fair competition as well as athlete health and welfare. But, this is not only applicable to the FEI disciplines, it is also applicable to all the other equestrian disciplines.